Measure Resource Use

Our award levels

There are three Investors in the Environment (iiE) accreditation levels your organisation can work towards, providing a suitable level for every company wishing to go green.

Typically, we suggest you start at Bronze level and work your way up as you gain knowledge of how to become a more sustainable business, however, the level which an organisation starts depends on what actions they have already undertaken and what can be achieved within the year.

A step-by-step approach has been developed for each accreditation level, with each scored against a specific criteria as outlined below.




Have an environmental policy in place

Environmental champion appointed Green/Environmental Champions are the individuals responsible for managing and implementing the iiE accreditation process.

Monitor gas, electricity and water use This is a requirement for all organisations unless there is a sufficient reason not to.

Monitor use of other resources Other resources could include waste, mileage, paper or anaesthetic gases.

At least 1 At least 2 At least 3

Measure resource use Resource use must be recorded on a regular basis from bills or meters.

At least quarterly At least quarterly Directly from the meter at least monthly

Set targets for improved resource efficiency

Progress towards targets demonstrated

Annual 2% minimum reduction in resource use

Action plan in place The action plan is your roadmap to achieving your targets for all resources.

Recycling system in place Waste needs to be separated into at least recycling and general waste with a management plan to demonstrate how waste is managed.

Adopt a travel plan

Calculate Carbon footprint

for buildings

for buildings and transport

some scope 3 impacts included

Undertake additional projects These can fall under three core headings of ‘Resource Efficiency’, ‘Biodiversity / Conservation' and ‘Social / Wellbeing / Community’. (E.g. raising money for charity, planting trees, going ‘paperless’).

At least 1 At least 2 At least 3

Present progress annually Progress should be communicated to all staff and Senior Management, to highlight the environmental and financial savings achieved.


Undergo a site audit through iiE Site audits will be undertaken on a case-by-case basis, but may be required for some sectors.



Have an environmental policy in place
Environmental champion appointed Green/Environmental Champions are the individuals responsible for managing and implementing the iiE accreditation process.
Monitor gas, electricity and water use This is a requirement for all organisations unless there is a sufficient reason not to.
Monitor use of other resources Other resources could include waste, mileage, paper or anaesthetic gases. At least 1 At least 2 At least 3
Measure resource use Resource use must be recorded on a regular basis from bills or meters. At least quarterly At least quarterly Directly from the meter at least monthly
Set targets for improved resource efficiency
Progress towards targets demonstrated
Annual 2% minimum reduction in resource use
Action plan in place The action plan is your roadmap to achieving your targets for all resources.
Recycling system in place Waste needs to be separated into at least recycling and general waste with a management plan to demonstrate how waste is managed.
Adopt a travel plan
Calculate Carbon footprint
for buildings

for buildings and transport

some scope 3 impacts included
Undertake additional projects These can fall under three core headings of ‘Resource Efficiency’, ‘Biodiversity / Conservation' and ‘Social / Wellbeing / Community’. (E.g. raising money for charity, planting trees, going ‘paperless’). At least 1 At least 2 At least 3
Present progress annually Progress should be communicated to all staff and Senior Management, to highlight the environmental and financial savings achieved.
Undergo a site audit through iiE Site audits will be undertaken on a case-by-case basis, but may be required for some sectors.
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