Working towards Bronze

Working towards Bronze

Bullion Community Resource Centre


Through the activities in Bullion Hall, we aim to contribute to the health, well-being, social inclusion, and community cohesion of our local neighbourhood.

Our broad menu of activities provides support to around 600 people per week of all ages and needs.

For example, Men’s and Ladies Cree (mental health), Pilates and Seated Exercise (Physical health and wellbeing), Luncheon Clubs, Curling and Tea Dance (older people – social isolation, health and nutrition), Camera Club, Guitar Classes, Ukulele (Confidence and skills, Hobbies and enjoyment in life) , After school and school holiday activities inc free meals ( Children ,young people and their families) ,Youth Clubs ( Young people- their mental health and wellbeing) Bread and Butter Thing and low-cost meals ( Tackling poverty in our neighbourhood), day trips for participants, young people and their families ( broaden horizons.)

At the heart of Bullion Hall is the Wait er While café ,staffed by adults with learning disabilities who are supported by care café coordinators to develop independent living skills, such as using money, preparing and making meals, sharing meals with their peers, and crucially meeting their friends. The café consistently achieves a 5-star food hygiene rating and provides many of the meals that underpins activities in the centre.

With support from the NHS Connector Fund we are also developing a wider social programme for adults with learning disabilities and their families, most especially those who have little or no day care provision.

We host several independent charities at the centre including Integrating Children, Girls Friendly Society and Wheels to Work .

Company Details

Bullion Hall,
S Approach,
County Durham,
Chester-le-Street, DH2 2DW


Years of membership
2 Years