Silver Member

Silver Member


Learna Ltd provides international professionals with high-quality, flexible online education. We provide university-validated postgraduate qualifications through Diploma MSc and Learna Business School; continuing professional development and revision resources for HCP exams via StudyPRN; and we have a corporate responsibility site,, where we offer free access to our Diabetes Mastercourse through our links with the Merck Foundation.

We pride ourselves on being ethical. We charge students the same fee regardless of their country of origin. We employ tutors from both the UK and overseas and pay them exactly the same remuneration for tutoring our students as we pay our UK-based tutors.

We want to employ the same level of commitment to the planet and are working towards green certification with iiE. As a company delivering environmentally-friendly online education, we are committed to implementing measures which further reduce our impact on the planet and improve our sustainability as a company.

Company Details

Telephone: +44 2921921312

Member Details

Member number: 2094

Expiry Date: 03/03/2026

Years of membership
5 Years
2021 Bronze Badge 2022 Silver Badge