Green Member

Green Member

Vets4Pets Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes

We are a veterinary practice looking to improve our environmental footprint. We are Vets4Pets working within the Pets at Home store in Milton Keynes. We would like to try to monitor and decrease our energy use, to implement green initiatives, and to work within our wider group to encourage other surgeries to look at their own sustainability.

Company Details

inside the Pets at Home Shop, Patriot Drive
Milton Keynes,
Milton Keynes, MK13 8PU

Telephone: 01908 309404
Website: http://vets4pets milton keynes

Member Details

Member number: 2159

Expiry Date: 14/02/2025

Years of membership
4 Years
2021 Silver Badge 2022 Green Badge 2024 Green Badge